Why Choose Us

Ethos and Values

We are driven by our desire to offer the best possible education for our pupils in partnership with parents, the trust and the local community. Our vision is quite simply that we want our children to be the best that they can be.

Our aims are that all children:

  • Achieve their full potential and develop lifelong learning behaviours.
  • learn together in our safe, caring environment
  • make respectful, thoughtful and healthy choices
  • Enjoy school

So in short our goal is that children at Manor Way Primary Academy are:.

" Happy and Successful Learners "

We love being a part of the Bishop Mazzoldi Primary School. The teachers and staff are exceptional and reinforce strong academics as well as the character traits our family values. The families in the school truly function as a community, exemplifying what it means to work together for the greatest good. We are blessed that our children obtain these lessons daily!

Sr. Rachel Kavugho
Deputy Head Teacher